A request for a legal opinion usually comes in written form. Such a request will usually include any documents in the case. The request for a legal opinion will include at least one and usually several questions that the legal advisor is being asked to address.
A legal opinion will often have the overarching question of does the client have a good and viable case. This is the most important question to any client and must be approached with honesty and directness.
If the client’s case is not viable, they must be advised of this in the course of the legal Opinion, if there is something which can be done to improve the client’s prospects of success, a good legal opinion will spell this out very precisely. An opinion will also address HOW a client may achieve its intended goal or compliance with the law. We answer these kinds of questions with precision.
The Practice was only registered in the year 2022 in February but is constituted by Legal Practitioners with more than 36 years of experience. The main thrust of the practice is commercial transactions and civil litigation.